NextGen specializes in an extensive range of metallographic polishers and grinders for all possible user applications. The GenGrind Series - Metallographic Polishers and Grinders provide you with options such as: single or double wheel, a variety of wheel sizes, fixed or variable speeds, ability to hold single or multiple samples, manual or automated options, basic and advanced grinding heads, and all options to cover the widest range of surface finish requirements.
Introducing the GenGrind N Series metallographic grinders and polishers, offered in sizes 8", 10", or 12" diameter.
Discover the single wheel semi automatic GenGrind 10" SA-I 250S, your ultimate answer to grinding and polishing needs.
Introducing the GenGrind SA-C 250S – your ultimate single wheel semi automatic grinding and polishing solution.
Introducing the GenGrind FA-IC 250D Dual Wheel Polisher and Grinder, a fully automatic metallographic grinding and polishing machine
GenGrind FA-IC 250S Single Wheel Polisher and Grinder, an advanced and fully automatic metallographic grinding and polishing machine
The GenGrind Belt BF Series is a heavy duty dual stage, wet or dry belt grinder offering a robust, floor standing solution for high volume manual belt grinding applications. GenGrind Belt BF - Heavy Duty Dual Stage Belt Grinder for metallographic sample preparation is designed for high material removal of various sample shapes and configurations.
The GenGrindBelt BT series is a dual stage, wet or dry table top belt grinder offering the most economical solution for manual grinding applications. The GenGrind BT - Dual Stage Belt Grinder for Metallographic Sample Preparation is designed for high material removal of various sample shapes and configurations. The BT - Belt Grinder system is a table top belt grinder suitable for laboratories designed for high material removal.
Introducing the GenGrind FA-IC, a state-of-the-art single-chip microcomputer controlled grinding and polishing machine.
Learn about the full scope of NextGen's cutting, polishing & grinding, mounting and etching metallography consumables. Our consumables are compatible with virtually all global brands, offering a rare combination of exceptional quality, longevity and affordability.
NextGen would be happy to offer samples of our metallography consumables to you. Simply let your product consultant know which item you are interested in and they will help you take care of the rest. You may contact us by phone or e-mail.
In order to determine the right polishing pad for your metallography polishing needs, please let us know what type of surface finish are you hoping to achieve. We have our general recommendations that typically work for most specimen preparation processes, however we would be happy to offer a more specific solution for you. Please shore your process with us and we will help figure out the rest
Low viscosity suspension tends to be used more for dozing applications. It is the better choice when polishing aluminum or brass materials.
Typically, we recommend high viscosity suspension because it offers a lower relief rate. This means that it does not waste the diamond on the polishing process. Additionally, the interaction between the polishing pad and high viscosity suspension allows it to stick to the pad for much longer (roughly 30 seconds) as oppose to roughly 10 sec with low viscosity suspension.
Our fully automatic metallographic polishers take an extra 1-3 days to complete relative to the manual polisher and grinder series. The fully automatic metallographic polisher - GenGrind FA-IC series is a state of the art polisher and grinder machine that makes sample preparation a joy for medium to large volume of samples. Contact us today to learn how the fully automatic polisher and grinder solution can be a good fit for your laboratory.
NextGen's metallurgical grinding and polishing equipment can be separated from the rest by the beautiful design, simply operation, and long shelf life. Each grinder and polisher machine is individually manufactured based on your specific needs. The metallurgical grinding and polishing equipment can be customized to your specifications with wheel diameter sizes, number of wheels, automated heads, variable speeds, load control and much more. Contact us today to have our quality consultants find the right fit for you.
The most cost-effective metallographic polisher or metallographic grinder would be the GenGrind N Series - Single and dual wheel manual metallographic polisher and grinder. This series offers superior quality / low cost metallographic polisher and grinder to meet your low to medium sample preparation requirements. All units comes with variable wheel size and speed options. Additional upgrades, like our famous NG-Magneto upgrade, which allows your metallographic polisher and grinders to be used with magnetic consumables. Request quote today to learn more.
When it comes to a lower specimen volume for your metallographic grinder or metallographic polisher needs, we would suggest our GenGrind N Series - Single and Dual Wheel Manual Metallographic Grinder and Polishing Equipment. This robust, and aesthetically pleasing polisher and grinding machine will serve you for many years to come. The machine comes as a single or a dual wheel option. The polisher and grinder has the option of fixed speed or variable speeds depending on your polishing requirements. It additionally can be upgraded to the magnetic model allowing you to use magnetic consumables with the unit. Request a quote today to get your metallographic grinder and metallographic polisher today.
NextGen's GenGrind FA-IC Series - Central and Individual Control Fully Automatic Metallographic Grinder and Polisher is not only our most sought after quality control grinder, but also the industry leader in fully automatic metallographic polishers. This machine comes with options of single of double platen of various diameters (8", 10" or 12"). The automatic metallographic polisher comes standard with a 3 sample holder head and can be upgraded to 5 sample option. The unique advantage of this fully automatic metallographic polisher and grinder is the ability to switch from central distribution force to individual distribution force as needed. The central force allows the operator to grind all of the samples equivalently, while the individual force allows the operator to grind samples through custom load application per sample. Contact us today to receive a quotation for your fully automatic metallographic equipment today.
All of NextGen's grinding and polishing machinery comes standard with everything your laboratory needs for long-term operation. We provide you with a basic set of consumables designed to create a plug and play scenario for your laboratory. If any additional consumables are required for your grinding and polishing machinery at any point in the future, you are most welcome to request quote for anything that you need to receive quality consumables at the lowest price.
Virtually each one of the GenGrind Series - Metallographic Polisher and Grinders for metallographic sample preparation has the option for both the single and double platen option. The metallography grinder's platens can come in 8", 10" and 12" diameters. They can also come with a magnetic platen allowing your metallography polisher and grinder to be used with magnetic consumables. Depending on the volume sample of specimen preparation, we would recommend the model that will provide you with the optimal solution for your metallographic polishing and grinding needs. Request your quote today.
Regardless of metallurgical grinding and polishing system needs, NextGen has you covered with our GenGrind Series - Metallographic Polisher and Grinders for metallographic sample preparation. Each of the metallographic polisher and grinders in the series is equipment for various applications best suited for your quality control laboratory. Contact our technical consultant team who will guide you towards the metallography polisher/grinder that perfectly meets your technical and budgetary needs.
Majority of the GenGrind Series - Metallographic Polisher and Grinders for metallographic sample preparation are bench top solutions. These polisher and grinders are easy to store, require minimum maintenance and are specifically designed with the operator in mind. Experience the difference of next generation bench top grinding and polishing metallographic equipment with NextGen. Contact us today to learn more.