When testing the properties of material hardness, it is very important to utilize an accurate shore durometer system. NextGen Material Testing specializes in accurate shore durometer systems for plastics and rubbers with equipment that is robust, easy-to-use, and ergonomic.
Shore A Portable Durometer
The Model 306L Shore A Portable Durometer – Classic Style meets or exceeds American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) DD2240 specifications for measuring Type A hardness which includes materials such as rubber, elastomers, neoprene, silicone, vinyl, and butyl as well as some soft plastics, felt, and leather among others. This model of portable shore durometer systems has an accuracy of ±1 point, an easy to read, low glare point dial, and is also available with A2LA/NIST certification if desired.

The Model 306L.5 Shore A Portable Durometer System includes all the features of the 306L model but measures to an accuracy of ±1/2 point.

These accurate Shore A Durometer Systems also allow for accurate readings to be obtained in any position.
Shore D Portable Durometer
The Model 307L Shore D Portable Durometer meets or exceeds ASTM D2240 specifications for Type D materials and measures the hardness of hard rubber, plastics, epoxies, soft metals, and other similar materials.
This model is an accurate shore durometer system, with an accuracy of ±1 point and can include NIST certification if desired. The dial is low glare with an easy to ready 0 to 100 point dial.

All of our portable durometers, both the Shore A Portable Durometers and the Shore D Portable Durometers, come with a Max Hold Hand that retains the peak reading, a test block, and a sturdy carrying case. Accessory test stands are available for each model.